Saturday, 28 July 2012

Trans Europa Day 18 Augustow to Nowograd - 135km

The coughing continued through the night and I awoke with a choice to make. To take the blue van or the white van.. Well, I might as well ride til lunch and then take the white van in.

I promptly made it to the back of the pack and had Ciaran the wonder mechanic for company as he was riding sweep. He kindly took this photo along the way.

Slow and steady into lunch at 71km  hosted by Gergo but nothing much I fancied. Jules had popped some spokes yesterday and, although Ciaran had performed a minor miracle to fix the wheel, I told Jules that he could take Merlin for a spin in the afternoon. We eventually caught up around the 100km mark at an ice cream stop and I handed Merlin over for some more exercise.

Jules in charge of the titanium magician

Camp tonight would be at the local school ("gymnasium") which was making some extra money over the holidays. Boys were put up in the mathematics room with dinner at a local restaurant. Stuffed schnitzel as it turned out. Very tasty..Followed by a trip to the corner store for ice cream of course.

We all turned in around 8pm and it was not an uncomfortable night's sleep dorm style!

Only a few coughing fits during the night which got drowned out by the snorers to some degree.

Another half day for me but, as some-one once said to me on a Ciclismo trip , "it's my vacation!!" The weather has been warmish and the riding reasonably pleasant so let's just take it a day at a time.

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