Monday, 4 May 2015

Gourmet Piedmont 2015 - Acqui Terme Rest Day | Monday, May 4 - 0km

Day Six – Acqui Terme Rest Day
Enjoy the spa, relax, go shopping before an evening of wine tasting at an "enoteca regionale" and a delicious dinner with live music.

Being a rest day, I slept in a little then wandered down to the empty dining room for a light breakfast.

Then I was off to explore the Jewish sights which you can read all about in my other blog: Aussie Torah in Acqui Terme.

Along the way, I checked out the boiling hot water fountain and wandered into the icy cold Duomo.


I bumped into Christine and Mal as I returned to the hotel so I and walked with them to see the old Roman aquaduct.
Back to the hotel for a relaxing nap before dinner. But first, drinks at the Hotel bar.

It was then a short walk to the Antica Osteria Farinata da Bigat for a traditional Piedmont meal.

Tonight's menu:

Piatto specialita - Farinata (like a thin pizza made from chick pea flour and rosemary).

Antipasti - Small roast pepper stuffed with tuna; anchovies cured in salt with green parsley sauce; sweet red peppers with anchovies, garlic and olive oil.

Primo - Tagliatelle with mushrooms in a dark tomato sauce.

Dolce - Strawberries with ice cream with a glass of dessert wine Brachetto d'Acqui.

Tonight's wines:

White - Frizzante    Red - Barbera d'Asti Superiore.



And of course no rest day would be complete without a snippet of elegant local street art.

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