Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Trans Europa Day 32 Bratislava Rest Day - 0km

Deja vu - here's my Bratislava blog from last year's Orient Express Bratislava

Back on the good Botel Gracia, Bratislava is much as I remember it from last year but with the addition of a new installation of a 3/4 size replica of an ornate twin-towered synagogue in the place where it stood until it and the entire Jewish quarter of the city were destroyed by communist authorities in the late 1960s to build a new bridge and highway. 

The destruction of the synagogue, built in 1894, little more than two decades after most of Bratislava’s  15,000 Jews were murdered in the Shoah symbolized communist-era suppression of Jewish life. Indeed, right after the fall of communism in 1989, activists painted a big picture of it on the pavement where it had stood, with an angry scrawl alongside: “Here there was once a synagogue!”

There is a video playing inside the replica with historical footage of the destruction of the synagogue.

In the tradition of the rest day, enjoy the photos!

Tonight's very simple dinner = 3 fresh rolls with pressed chicken and prawn dip

John and friend

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